I’m going to show you how to jazz up school lunches.
Fun lunchbox ideas for the kiddos!
10 Fun Lunchbox Ideas For Kids
Let’s face it, when you think of school lunches, nothing awesome comes to mind. That line, the gray food, hairnet lady… I couldn’t wait to hit high school way back in the day. It meant getting to go off campus to eat. I don’t know if that’s still a thing these days, is it? With Ethan starting 3rd grade, we have to come up with fun, unique and sometimes out of the box lunchbox ideas. (see what I did there??) He has sensory issues, and mushy texture doesn’t cut it. Fresh, crisp, those kinds of things do. I’ve put together some great lunbox ideas we use, I think your small fry’s will approve!
Lunchbox Ideas For Kids
First, find a store where you can grab everything you need at 1 place. We love Smart & Final for this. Warehouse prices, no club membership. It’s a 1 stop shop where us as parents aren’t bee-popping from place to place. The big thing for us with Ethan’s texture issues is that the produce is always fresh. He loves raw fruits and veggies. Crisp, cold, crunchy…. They have some really great recipes listed here too, makes it even easier! It’s where I not only found the great produce but all the fixin’s to make these cute Turkey Pinwheels he loves.
Seriously, so easy to make! And, now isn’t that better than boring PB&J? Yeah, it totally is! We grabbed the First Street brand of Turkey and American cheese slices, a head of crisp lettuce and some tortillas. Ethan is a mayo lover so we did the sh-mere of that, layered the rest on top of the tortilla and roll it up. Cut in halfsies. Cut each half in half and there ya go! Easy peasy, right? I know, now you’re thinking… “But, mom, you live in Vegas. It’s super hot there… won’t that get all mushy? Oh no. I’ve got ya covered!
I found a great idea from 1 of those fancy Pinterest mom types. This is 1 I can actually pull off and not be a #PinterestFail too! Fold some paper towels up in a nice square to fit in a zip-loc baggie. Get it slightly more than just damp and seal it up. Toss it in the freezer before you head to bed. In the morning when you’re packing lunches, place the frozen baggie on top of all the goodies. It not only helps keep everything cold, but come lunchtime, you have a ready made wet-nap type thing going on! No more using those expensive school uniform shirts for messy faces! We also pack some yummy trail mix from Smart & Final along side the pinwheels, frozen grapes and First Street Cheddar Guppies he loves. And we all know, great lunchbox ideas aren’t really great until they are packed in the most awesome of all awesome boxes. Light up Spiderman for the BIG WIN!
Right now Smart & Final has a Back to School sweepstakes going over on Facebook! We all could stand to score with that! Check it out to get the latest on their promotions and deals. So, let’s go over what we’ve learned for fun Back To School Lunchbox Ideas!
- Shop Smart & Final for all your stock-up needs
- Make lunch fun with fresh and healthy foods! Sub in turkey pinwheels for boring PB&J!
- Freeze grapes for a sweet and healthy treat not loaded with sugar
- Freeze paper towels to keep lunch cold and make a handy, homemade wet-nap
- Trail mix – nuts for protein! Stays fresh and crunchy!
- Cool Spiderman lunch boxes that light up beat that line in the cafeteria every.single.time!
- Stick a little ‘Have a Good Day’ note in the box, let them know you’re thinking of them!
- You don’t have to spend a fortune to pack up fun, healthy lunchbox ideas
- Pack them with love, you’ll never go wrong!
- If all else fails and you loose those creative juices to keep things interesting, hop over here to Pinterest. I did a search for ‘lunbox ideas for kids, these mom’s have got ya covered to last all year long!
What’s some of your kiddos favorite lunchbox ideas? Share with the class!
These are some GREAT ideas! I love the turkey pinwheel idea – I definitely want to make those for myself as well! 😉
I love doing fun and unique lunches for my kids. School lunches here are terrible so it is always nice to find a new recipe to try. Thanks for sharing!
I can’t believe how smart that paper towel trick is. What a brilliant idea. Those pinwheels are great for kids AND adults!
Those pinwheels will be a great addition to MY daily lunch! Thanks for sharing!
This is sad but I really want a wrap right now!! Never fails… A food blog makes me so hungry all the time!!! Hahaha Thank you so much for sharing!!!
It’s great to have these tips to inspire parents to pack lunch for kids. Sadly, there are many families now who prefer just hiring maids to take care of kids because they’re very busy at work.
Those are all great ideas. I love the pinwheel idea.
I like the idea of cutting the wraps into smaller, more manageable pieces. The lunch ideas are great!
I love doing the tortilla rolls! We’ve done that a few times already this school year.
I love all the ideas! We don’t have any kids in school, but we still struggle a little bit with what to have for lunch around the house so I like to collect all the ideas I can get.
I love making (and eating) pinwheels! So quick and easy, and they look fancy!
The wetnap idea is awesome, and the turkey pinwheels look delicious. I wish I’d had a lunchbox like this growing up.
The papertowel trick is so great! Kids can be such messy eaters, so it is nice that you have a solution for that.
What great tips! I love the cold wet nap ideas. We freeze yogurts/gogurts. Kids love it
Thank you so much for the back to school lunch ideas. I feel like I am always running out of ideas. My kids would love these wraps. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway. My family loves Turkey Pinwheels, too.
I really like those wraps! It’s an easy lunch to make and tastes wonderful!
My kids would love those Turkey Pinwheels! I however love the frozen paper towel idea – trying it tomorrow for sure. Thanks so much for sharing!
That’s a pretty neat trick with the papertowel. Will use that this year.
These are great kid friendly lunches! I actually make the lunchmeat roll ups for me too!
I love that! How cute. My son would definitely like it too.
Wish we could send nuts to school nowadays without worrying that half of the kids would go into anaphylactic shock. Lunches have gotten so difficult over the years, love the rolls, they are a staple in our house.
I wish I know a lot about kitchen and cooking and preparation – I love all those ideas.
The pin wheel idea is great. I will try that on my son’s next lunchbox meal. Will just use cheese spread. Thanks!
Great post! My kids love pinwheels, and I always forget about them. Fun lunchbox too!
I loved the wet nap idea and ofcourse the lunch box ideas for kids are ossum too.
Kids would definitely like this. Now, they can have fun and colorful lunchbox. 🙂
Oh wow….great tip about the frozen paper towel! Brilliant!