Sassy The Cat Came Back – It’s Spring Cleaning I Couldn’t Stay Away
Yep, it’s me! Sassy! The cat came back ya’ll! It’s Spring cleaning around here and while my fam gets to doing their thing, I figured I’d take a few and give you an update on me! Because we all know it’s always about me, me, me… Right? Right!
While my mom’s super busy keeping you guys filled up on all her yummy recipes and stuff, I’m over here keeping her on track. There’s tons of work to do. Every.Single.Day…. I mean, can you even see this date book I’m laying on (so you know, she can’t forget stuff) It’s full. And very messy if I do say so myself. Speaking of messy!!
I was shredding up reading through the newspaper, and saw this cool Litter Genie over at Target. There’s even a $3 off coupon! I made them go buy me one. The office was getting kind of stinky. With all the Spring cleaning on the ‘honey do’ list, might as well throw some stuff on there for me too, right? No more dragging grocery bags across the house and out to the garage until Sunday (garbage day!) And those gross dogs we have, the ones I told you about who stick their whole heads in my box… And chew stuff up… (eeewww) Well, with this new Litter Genie, there’s nothing in there for them to munch on! GENIUS! It locks away odors too. Which means no more crazy cat lady jokes from our friends! They think I left!! Haha jokes on them huh? I am Sassy, The Cat Came Back, not Sassy The Cat Who Had To Leave! You should totally get one! It has a cool scoop holder – thingy too. Mom says that’s awesome. Seems she never knows where to put it after she cleans my box. Problem solved my friends!
I know you guys are super awesome #PetParents like my fam is over here! You want to keep us happy. And smelling good, right? Leaves way more time for kitty kisses! As long as there’s no more of these shenanigans….
Because, obviously.
This is a much better look. Don’t ya think?
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This is adorable. Love it thanks for sharing. 🙂
What a pumpkin. The sound of purring is the best sound ever. Happy cat, Happy everyone!
So stinkin cute!!! I love your cat. And your humor 🙂
Your cat is so cute!!
You’re cat is so cute. It reminds me of Garfield during the hardly working part.
Oh that is so convenient and practical, good find!
Your cat’s eyes are gorgeous!
Haha catbearding makes me laugh!
What a beautiful cat. That is cool that they have a cat litter genie.
Your cat is awesome! This is my happy face = adorable!
I don’t have a cat…but if I did, this would be the way to go to handle litter!
such a cutie of a cat! He’s so well taken care of.
My friend has 3 cats. I’m going to tell her about your post and the litter genie. I hope she gets it. lol
I don’t have any pets but my daughter has 2 cats, I will definitely show this to her. She was just complaining the other day what a mess her liter box made! Thanks!
I’m all for locking away odors. Litter really does matter!
omg i didn’t know they have genies for cats.. never thought of that.. what a neat idea..
Your cat is so cute… and her eyes… she scared me with her eyes … lol
What a gorgeous cat!
I saw the litter genie the other day and was wondering what it was like. Sounds nice! Cute cat!
Awww Sassy! Reminds me of homeward bound 🙂