This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of the Facts Up Front program.
Cleaning Up My Pantry – A Lesson In Facts Up Front
In doing some research for this post, I started digging through my pantry and ‘fridge. It became a sort of game. What items have I bought already, without even knowing, that has Facts Up Front? Aside from getting a craving for chocolate covered cookies, Ya know what I found? Not nearly enough. I had 7 things out of 25 or so that I pulled out and piled on the counter that had the label. Here, look…
See! Now, before I get distracted by the chocolate covered cookies again, let me give you the 411 on Facts Up Front. It was really pretty enlightening! 1st a truth. I am highly (seriously, highly!) unorganized. I have good intentions but zero time. For important stuff. Like grocery lists. I’m wingin’ my way down those grocery aisles. You’ve been reading as I’ve been trying to make healthier choices lately too! (IE: The Skinny Jalapeno Popper Stuffed Chicken!) So this is where the Grocery Manufacturers Association’s Facts Up Front initiative helps peeps like me (and you?) make more informed choices in what we purchase!
By putting the Nutrition Facts Panel on the front of the package (calories, sugars, etc) busy, disorganized little ol’ me gets all the important stuff I’m looking for without breaking stride. Sweet, right? Which, leaves more time to do cool stuff outside with the small fry! And!! (and!) There is an cool infographic full of information about making smarter dietary choices, that I was able to check-out on my own time and not running the supermarket marathon. Duuuuude, there’s even a quiz! You totes should take it too! I scored better than I thought I would. Go me!
So, now that I emptied my pantry and found the cookie stash… I’m off to whip up those chocolate covered cookies! I’ll post the recipe in a bit! It’s super easy peasy!
So, while you’re munching on those, tell me what you’ve learned about Facts Up Front!
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of the Facts Up Front program.
Mujer, your grandson just keeps getting cuter and cuter and JU SO FONIIER and FONIIER! I’ll go check out that link and be back for the chocolate covered cookies. But you knew that verdad? BB2U